L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic students at the 2024 Fall CAN-TECH conference. Left to right: Ken Vong (2L), Daniel Rosenthal (3L), Paul Chorney (2L), Serena Bevilacqua (2L), Connor Giesbrecht (3L), Jennifer Davidson Partner at Deeth Williams Wall LLP and Past President of CAN-TECH, Andrew Alleyne Partner at Fasken and President of CAN-TECH, Skylar Ferbers (3L), Lauren Martin (3L), Jordan Wagner (3L), Kassandra Taverner (3L) and Carly Lafond (3L).
We were delighted to come across Skylar Ferbers and Lauren Martin's article from the University of Manitoba, L . Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic on the Manitoba students who participated in this year’s 2024 CAN-TECH Fall Conference - Exploring New Frontiers in Technology and Law in Toronto. In the article, Skylar and Lauren capture the students' drive and enthusiasm, shining a light on their innovative contributions and insightful perspectives on the future of technology law in Canada.
This year’s conference offered a platform for these young professionals to network with industry leaders, learn about the latest advancements, and gain firsthand experience in a rapidly evolving field. It’s inspiring to see how Manitoba’s next generation is already making strides, as Skylar and Lauren beautifully details in their article.
We invite our readers to explore the full article here for an in-depth look at the students’ experiences and achievements.
Thank you, Skylar and Lauren, for such a well-crafted and inspiring article.